Child Protection and Safeguarding Awareness

The national guidance ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ states that all staff and volunteers who work or have contact with children should have training to understand normal child development and to recognise and act on potential signs of abuse and neglect. This half-day training course is designed as an essential introductory level course for all those who work either with children and young people, or with adults who may be parents or carers of children. The content is based on the recommended Working Together, Keeping Children Safe in Education and other sector specific guidance. It promotes an understanding of role and responsibilities in recognising and responding to concerns and keeping the child in focus.
The course will be tailored to the needs of the audience with a range of activities and carefully selected case scenarios. It can be delivered to whole school staff teams, other settings, teams or multi-agency groups at a time and venue of your choice.

Who Should Attend?

All staff or volunteers working with children or adults who may be parents or carers.

Course Content

  • The Legal framework for child protection
  • What is child abuse and neglect?
  • Signs and indicators of abuse and neglect
  • Topical safeguarding concerns including FGM, impact of Covid, sexual exploitation and on line safety
  • Keeping the child in focus
  • What to do if you have concerns

Duration 3hrs

Child Protection Practice and Procedures

This course provides an opportunity to consolidate and expand on learning from the basic awareness course and will consider in greater depth the roles and responsibilities of different agencies in the child protection process. The course will cover recognition of concerns, recording and referral practice and will include consideration of thresholds for making a referral to Children’s Social Care through the use of case scenarios. It will provide an overview of the process following a referral including the child protection case conference. Participants will also be encouraged to explore safer working practice in the context of learning from case reviews which focus on abuse within the working environment

Who Should Attend?

Professionals who work directly with children and young people, or with adults who may be parents or carers of children

Course Content

  • The Legal framework for child protection
  • Knowledge refresher :Signs and indicators of abuse and neglect
  • Topical challenges in safeguarding including sexual exploitation, FGM, 1mpact of Covid, on line safety and radicalisation
  • Thresholds for referral
  • The Assessment Framework
  • The Child Protection Process: Professional roles and responsibilities
  • Safer Working Practice
  • Managing allegations
  • Learning from Review

Duration All day

Child Protection for Designated Safeguarding Leads

Working Together and ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ provide statutory guidance to enable staff in schools and other services to fulfil their responsibilities for safeguarding the welfare of children. As part of these duties, organisations must identify a senior member of staff to take lead responsibility for safeguarding. This course is focused on the roles and responsibilities of designated leads and aims to promote skills and confidence in managing referrals, co-ordinating safeguarding work and supporting staff in their safeguarding duties. This will include an opportunity for collaborative learning about good practice and meeting regulatory requirements such as Ofsted. The course also explores safer working practice and the procedures for managing allegations against adults who work with children.

Who Should Attend?

Designated Safeguarding Leads and others in a safeguarding leadership role. Designated Safeguarding Leads in Schools and Early Years settings.


  • Responsibilities of the designated person
  • Meeting statutory requirements: What needs to be in place in my setting?
  • Sharing good practice: What works well in developing systems and procedures
  • Refreshing knowledge of types of abuse and possible indicators
  • The thresholds for intervention and making referrals
  • Best practice in responding to concerns, managing disclosures, recording and information sharing
  • The Child Protection Process: Case conferences and core groups
  • Strategies to support staff and raise awareness
  • Learning from reviews and understanding safeguarding risks
  • Safer working practice
  • Responding to allegations about people working with children

Duration All day

View details of other training courses