Accredited Safer Recruitment Training for Schools

Our trainers Tony Lampert and Helen Elliott are accredited facilitators for the Safer Recruitment Consortium which ensures you will be receiving the very best quality of training that is endorsed by the DfE and Ofsted and fully compliant with the requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education.

The course includes an assessment and is certificated.

Our training has the additional benefit of being delivered by 2 facilitators who bring combined experience and expertise in both safeguarding and human resources.

The trainers’ professional background has included the provision of advice and consultation to schools in relation to both safeguarding and recruitment practice. Consequently we have an understanding of the Schools' inspection framework, the safeguarding environment and experience of how schools operate today, including the HR context.

Helen and Tony are the providers of choice for a number of Local Authorities in London and elsewhere where the training is consistently evaluated positively as having impact in helping schools and early years settings to strengthen recruitment practice.

We can run this course for you at your school or venue of choice and offer the flexibility to run this as a whole day or two half day or twilight sessions. We can also offer a half day refresher version if you have completed this course within the last 3 years.

Who should attend?

Head teachers and SLT members, Governors, Business Managers, Safeguarding Leads, and others involved in the recruitment of staff.

This event will cover:

  • Awareness and understanding of offender behaviour;
  • The key features of recruitment that help deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people;
  • What to look for in application forms;
  • Useful interview questions;
  • Pre employment checks, including recent updates
  • Case studies;
  • Support to consider or review, your own policies and practices to minimise opportunities for abuse, promote prevention and ensure an ongoing culture of vigilance.

A Practical Guide to the School’s Single Central Record

This unique, innovative and practical half day workshop is run by our HR Associate Tony Lampert and considers issues around setting up and maintaining the data on the Schools’ Single Central Record in the context of the most up to date regulations, guidance and best practice.

Who should attend?

Staff responsible for setting up and/or maintaining the Single Central Record (SCR).

Course objectives include:

  • To understanding both the regulatory framework and best practice underpinning the format and content of the SCR
  • To consider the categories of staff/workers that should be recorded on the SCR
  • To explore options around format and content of the SCR
  • To equip participants with a practical understanding of the key pre-employment checks for school based staff, volunteers, contractors and Agency workers.
  • To help participants review their own school SCR and the related pre-employment checking processes

Single Central Record Review

This provides an opportunity for an in depth review of your SCR by Tony Lampert at your school. This 3 hour session will include time spent with the School Business Manager and others who maintain the SCR and following the session a report will be provided detailing any actions needed to ensure compliance.


  • Inspection of the SCR to ensure it meets statutory requirements
  • SCR template and guidance notes
  • A comprehensive report on any actions needed

Accredited Safer Recruitment Workshop (non schools)

Safer Recruitment and selection practice is part of the wider duty of organisations to promote the safety and welfare of children by ensuring that the relevant safeguarding checks are carried out on staff and volunteers working or having contact with children to help prevent the appointment of unsuitable people.

This course is based on the accredited national training, initially developed for schools but relevant for all organisations working with children. The course has been updated to reflect recent changes in pre employment checks and is fully compliant with current Government Guidance including Working Together and Keeping Children Safe in Education. The course includes an optional assessment and is certificated.

We can run this course for you at your setting or a venue of your choice.

Target Audience:

Managers, Safeguarding Leads, Trustees, and others involved in the recruitment of staff.


This workshop is facilitated by Helen Elliott, Independent Safeguarding Trainer and Tony Lampert, Human Resources Consultant. Both are approved trainers with the Safer Recruitment Consortium and bring complementary skills and experience in both safeguarding and human resources. The trainers’ professional background has included the provision of advice and consultation to children’s services and other settings in relation to safeguarding matters and recruitment practice.

This event will cover:

  • Awareness and understanding of offender behaviour;
  • The key features of recruitment that help deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people;
  • What to look for in application forms;
  • Useful interview questions;
  • Pre employment checks, including recent updates
  • Case studies;
  • Support to consider or review, your own organisation's policies and practices to minimise opportunities for abuse, promote prevention and ensure an ongoing culture of vigilance.